At the beginning of October 2021, we accompanied a material manufacturer and the injection company "Saug&Press" to the waterproofing of a private basement in Hanau after moisture damage was discovered. In order to prevent further damage to the building structure, the curtain injection method, including a horizontal barrier, were used on a wall area of 6.8 m2. For this purpose, a total of 320 kilograms of material were injected with our WIWA DUOMIX INJECT 2K 14025 via approx. 180 masonry packers. This was an elastic 2K methacrylate gel, which has excellent penetration properties due to its water-like viscosity. After only about 5 minutes, it solidifies to a rubber-like consistency (at 25 °C product temperature) - and after final curing, the moisture problem is completely abated.