The vocational training center of the Fachgemeinschaft Bau Berlin und Brandenburg gGmbH trains, among others, steel and concrete builders and wood and building protectors - both professions that also deal with (moisture) damage to structures and building components or take preventive measures to avoid it. Since summer 2022, the apprentice workshop has been working with two WIWA INJECT HD 2, which are very well suited for processing epoxy resins and PU foams for such cases. The apprentices are already trained on these units during their apprenticeship.
SIVV courses (Protecting, Repairing, Joining and Reinforcing Concrete Structures), which are mandatory for repairing and protecting public structures, can also be completed on site.
"With WIWA, we have a great partner at our side who has well thought-out pumps in its range. The easy maintenance and robust design also results in a long service life. A worthwhile investment!"